Contact Us

We look forward to hearing from you. If you are interested in learning more about ISET, what we do, our resources, or how to volunteer and get more involved, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

All the Board members are listed below with their relevant email addresses.  However, for general information or to get things started contact either Sarah Howorth or  Peña Bedesem. Looking forward to hearing from you.

President: Aleksandra Hollingshead, Ed. D.,

Past President: Don McMahon, Ph. D.,

President Elect: Diane Bryant.,Ph.D.,

Vice President: Sam Choo, Ph.D.,

Secretary: Lauren Tucker,

Treasurer: Marci Kinas Jerome,

Member-At-Large: Peña Bedesem, Ph. D.,

Member-At-Large:Sarah Howorth, Ph.D. 

Fellowship Chair: Kevin Good, Ph.D.